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Campbell Town Pump House, Campbell Town

Cherry Tree Cottage, Bicheno - Additions

Cluny, Newstead- Alterations & Additions

Cormiston House, Riverside - Alterations & Additions

Cottage, Perth - Alterations & Additions

Town Hall, Campbell Town - Restoration, Alterations & Additions






Bernacci Terrace, Maria Island - Adaptive Re-use

Clarendon House, Gretna - Adaptive Re-use, New Conservatory Addition

Woolmers Cottage, Longford - Adaptive Re-use

Woolmers Visitor Centre, Longford - New Building



Albert Hall, Launceston - Conservation Management Plan

Brickendon Dairy, Longford - Restoration

Campbell Town Pump House, Campbell Town

Captain's Cottage, Stanley - New Out Building

Carrick Hotel, Carrick - Restoration

Cherry Tree Cottage, Bicheno - Additions

Clarendon Arms Hotel, Evandale Restoration, Alterations & Additions, Universal Access

Cluny, Newstead- Alterations & Additions

Cormiston House, Riverside - Alterations & Additions

Cottage, Perth - Alterations & Additions

Entally House, Hadspen - Conservation Management Plan

Entally House , Westbury - Conservation Management Plan

Fairlawn, Newstead - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Fitzpatricks Inn, Westbury - Alterations

Former Barracks and Stable, Triabunna - Restoration, Adaptive Reuse (New House & Tourism)

Garthowen, Launceston - Alterations & Additions

Glen Fruin, Launceston - Alterations & Additions

Haggerstone House, Perth - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Harwick Hill, Longford - Restoration

Hatherley House, Launceston - Alteration and Additions

Highfield House, Stanley - Heritage Impact Assessment, Proposed Adaptive Reuse (Tourism)

High Street Cottage, Longford - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Hughes Terrace House, Launceston - Alterations & Additions

Lake House, Cressy - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Longford Hall, Longford - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Longford Hall, Longford - New Building

Macquarie Street Cottage, Evandale - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Norley House, Longford - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Pine Field, Longford - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Quamby Estate, Hagley - Restoration, Adaptive Reuse (Tourism)

QVMAG, Launceston - Roof Restoration

Red Feather Inn, Hadspen - Restoration, Adaptive Reuse (Tourism)

Reliquaire, Latrobe - Restoration

Russell Street Cottage, Evandale - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Russell Street Cottage 1, Evandale Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Ship Inn, Stanley - Restoration, Alterations and Additions

Stanley Hotel, Stanley - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

St Oswalds Anglican Church, Trevallyn - Universal Access upgrade

The Old Manse, Westbury - Restoration

The Willows, Westbury New Roof

Torkington, Launceston Alterations & Additions

Town Hall, Campbell Town - Restoration, Alterations & Additions

Town Hall, Longford Conservation

Vaucluse Estate, Conara Restoration, Adaptive Reuse (Hotel & Tourism)

V.D.L. Company Store, Stanley Adaptive Re-use, (Tourism)

White Hills Rd, White Hills - New House








Anglicare, Devonport - Alterations & Additions

Anglicare, Glenorchy - New Building

Blue Cafe Bar, Launceston - Alterations & Additions

Burlington Farm, Cressy - Office Fit-out

Centreway Arcade, Launceston - Alterations & Additions

Merino Street Industrial Development, Kings Meadows - New Buildings

Micra Bodyworks, Longford - New Building

Midlands Self Storage, Longford -  New Building

Sea Horse Centre, Beauty Point - Alterations & Additions

Somerset Baptist Church, Somerset - New Building

South Esk, Evandale - New Farm Building

Summerdale Medical Centre, Summerdale - Alterations & Additions

War Graves, Launceston - Memorial Garden



Bridport 1- New Residence

Bridport 2- New Residence

Burnie 1 - New Residence

Elphin Road, Launceston - New Residence

Evandale 1 - New Residence

Evandale 2 - New Residence

Evandale 3- New Residence

Gunns Plains 1 - New Residence

Hillcrest, Launceston - Restoration

Kings Meadows 1 - New Multi Residential

Kings Meadows 2 - New Multi Residential

Kings Meadows 3 - New Residence

Kings Meadows 4 - New Residence

Kings Meadows 5 - New Residence

Kings Meadows 6 - New Residence

Kings Meadows 7 - New Residence

Newstead 1 - New Mulit Residential

Newstead 2- Alterations & Additions

Quarry House- New Residence

Riverside 1 - New Residence

Stanley 1 - New Residence

Stanley 2 - Alterations & Additions

St. Leonards 1 - New Residence

Stone House, Perth - New Conservatory

Sulphur Creek Units, Sulphur Creek - New Residence

Warner House, Evandale - New Residence

St. Leonards 2 - New Residential

Boat Harbour 1 - New Residential

Prospect Vale 1 - Alteration to Existing Kitchen



Church Street, Stanley - Streetscape Concept Plan

Commonwealth Lane, Campbell Town - Public Amenities

Cressy Recreation Ground Change-rooms, Cressy - New Facility

Goliath Park, Railton - New Public Amenities

Longford Sports Centre, Longford - New Gym Facility

Morven Park Recreation Ground, Evandale - Addition

Northern Midlands Council, Longford - Council Chambers

Old Tasmanian Hotel - Fingal Community Centre, Fingal - Restoration

Perth Recreation Ground Change-rooms, Perth - New Facility

Ross - New Public Amenities

Smithton - New Public Amenities

Smith & George Street, Longford - Car Park

Wynyard Senior Citizens Club, Wynyard - Addition



East Devonport Primary School - Kindergarten Upgrade

Exeter Primary School - Kindergarten Upgrade

Forth Primary Kindergarten, Forth - Kindergarten Upgrade

Henty House Hub, Launceston

LINC School for Seniors - Facility Upgrade

Seabrook Christian School, Newnham - New Classroom

Seabrook Christian School, Somerset -  New Gymnasium

Seabrook Christian School, St Helens - New Classrooms

West Ulverstone Child and Family Learning Centre, West Ulverstone - New Building

Montello Primary School, Burnie - Redevelopment



Bay of Fires, - Standing Camp Renewal

The Colonial Hotel, Launceston - Alterations & Additions

The Mercure Hotel, Launceston - Restoration

The Mercure Hotel, Launceston - Facade Upgrade

Lloyds Hotel, Launceston - Restoration

Pod Inn, Launceston - New Capsule Hotel

Penny Royal, Launceston - New Deck & Demolition

Newry Stables - Conversion

Bond Store, Stanley - Alteration & Addition

Copyright 2025

David Denman + Associates 


ABN: 37 694 524 426

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